Director Esteban Sapir / 2007 / Argentina

<p><strong>“Less an easy criticism of consumer society then it is a poetic attempt to recreate a world through the sole power of images.” - <em>Hollywood Reporter</em></strong></p>

<p>An entire city has lost its voice. Mr TV, the owner of the city's only television channel, is carrying out a nefarious plan - he's subjecting the citizens to a world of never-ending snow where television and TV dinners control their everyday routines. <br />Unfolding as a black & white homage to the silent film era (including references to Fritz Lang's Metropolis and George Méliès's Man in the Moon), filmmaker Esteban Sepir has created a surreal world where words dance on screen to a modern tango soundtrack before being squashed or floating away. The characters may not say anything, but as a visual statement, La Antena is powerfully hypnotic. <br />

<br />D/S Esteban Sapir P Jose Arnal WS MDC International GmbH L Spanish w/English subtitles <br />TD digibeta/2007/90mins</p>

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