Les Eloquents

Director Jacques Guillon / 1955 / France

Les Eloquents, made for the 60th anniversary of the cinema, contains excerpts from a number of notable French films. It contains scenes from Carmen made by Feyder about 1922 and with Raquel Mellor in the title role. Marcel l'Herbier's Feu Mathieu Pascal, with Ivan Mosjoukine, provides two fascinating scenes. A remarkable sequence of battles, crowds and sieges from Raymond Bernard's Miracle of the Wolves (1924) provide impressive spectacle, and battle scenes from Leon Poirier's Verdun are expertly staged. The excerpt from Abel Gance's La Roue (1921) shows technical complexity unexpected in an early film and contrasting with the panoramic range of this is a very funny extract from The Italian Straw Hat. In conclusion lacques Feyder pays a tribute to the silent film.

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