
MIFF Talks Podcast: Dystopia on Film

Fill the Handmaid's Tale-sized hole in your life with this panel discussion. Drawing on MIFF’s Sci-Fi Retrospective and other dystopian works,...

By max | 04 Dec 2017
MIFF Talks Australian Films Festival Guests 66th MIFF MIFF 2017 Women Filmmakers

MIFF Talks Podcast: Pioneering Women

Co-presented with the Australian Directors’ Guild, the MIFF Talks Pioneering Women panel brought together influential Australian female director...

By lauren | 05 Sep 2017

Interviews Critics Campus Australian Films Talking Pictures 66th MIFF MIFF 2017

Top of the Lake: China Girl – An Interview with Ariel Kleiman

Jane Campion’s Top of the Lake: China Girl co-director Ariel Kleiman talks about the project with MIFF 2017 Critics Campus participant Blythe Worthy

By Blythe Worthy | 19 Aug 2017

Critics Campus 66th MIFF MIFF 2017

On Character and the Feeling of a City: An Interview With Peter Mackie-Burns

Filmmaker Peter Mackie Burns talks to 2017 Critics Campus participant Phoebe Chen about his movie Daphne, his influences and filming London.

By Alex | 18 Aug 2017

Critics Campus 66th MIFF MIFF 2017

Michel on Malick: The Disembodied Interview - A Video Essay

MIFF2017 Critics Campus participant Amanda Barbour presents a video essay of her interview with legendary composer, filmmaker, historian, writer and sound theorist Michel Chion.

By Alex | 18 Aug 2017

Critics Campus Documentary 66th MIFF MIFF 2017

More Heart than Horror: An Interview with Florian Habicht

In an interview with director Florian Habicht, MIFF 2017 Critics Campus participant Dominic Ellis looks behind the theme-park frights in the documentary Spookers.

By Alex | 16 Aug 2017

Interviews Critics Campus 66th MIFF MIFF 2017 Seminars and Masterclasses

“It’s Really Worth Watching a Whole Range of Cinema”: An Interview with Wendall Thomas

Delivering a series lectures as part of MIFF’s Industry Public Access Events, developer, writer and lecturer Wendall Thomas speaks to 2017 Critics Campus participant Greer Forrester.

By Alex | 16 Aug 2017

Interviews Critics Campus 66th MIFF MIFF 2017 Women Filmmakers

The Ashes of a Medium: Anocha Suwichakornpong on the Death and Resurrection of Film

MIFF2017 Critics Campus participant Kai Perrignon speaks to Thai director Anocha Suwichakornpong about her film By the Time it Gets Dark

By Alex | 15 Aug 2017

Critics Campus 66th MIFF Headliners

Song to Song, Four Ways

Four participants from the 2017 Critics Campus tackle Terrence Malick’s Song to Song in these short reviews, with a diverse range of responses.

By Alex | 13 Aug 2017

Critics Campus 66th MIFF MIFF 2017 Next Gen MIFF Kids Family films

Higher Learning: The MIFF Kids and MIFF Schools Programs

2017 Critics Campus participant Greer Forrester talks to programmer Thomas Caldwell about the MIFF Kids and MIFF Schools programs, and the Kids’ Gala screening of Ash Brannon’s Rock Dog.

By Alex | 13 Aug 2017

Critics Campus 66th MIFF Headliners MIFF 2017 Women Filmmakers France

Let the Sunshine In, Four Ways

Let the Sunshine is reviewed by four participants from the 2017 Critics Campus, providing a range of different takes on Claire Denis' latest.

By Alex | 12 Aug 2017