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Tetsuo: The Iron Man - A Queer Marxist Reading
A video essay by 2017 Critics Campus participant Amanda Barbour explores the queer Marxist possibilities opened up by Shinya Tsukamoto’s Tetsuo: The Iron Man.

Pushing Boundaries: The Breakout Films from Pioneering Women
The Pioneering Women filmmakers of Australian cinema look into aspects of women’s experiences often ignored by their male counterparts, argues MIFF 2017 Critics Campus participant Faith Everard.

On Dries and Rethinking the Fashion Documentary
2017 Critics Campus participant Phoebe Chen strips back the glamour in her look at Reiner Holzemer’s Dries and the fashion documentary.

Fitting In is Tough: The Trials of a Teenage Dahmer
The ethics of movies about real life serial killers like Marc Meyers' My Friend Dahmer is placed under the microscope by 2017 Critics Campus participant Kai Perrignon.

Nothings Lasts Forever and Oddball Dystopias of the 70s and 80s
Nothing Lasts Forever is one of a number of subversive sci-fi satires worthy of your attention, says 2017 Critics Campus participant Dominic Ellis.

Alive and Radical: The Grey-Haired Girls of Top of the Lake: China Girl
Jane Campion celebrates the spirit of women in their prime both on screen and in person with Top of the Lake: China Girl, writes 2017 Critics Campus participant Blythe Worthy.

Avoiding MIFF fatigue in 2017
Get the most out of MIFF with seasoned festival fan Evan Young's tips for staving off festival fatigue.

Q&A with Locker Room Director Greta Nash
Rowena Lloyd speaks with Greta Nash, director of the Accelerator short film Locker Room.

Why Pioneering Women?
Pioneering Women co-curator Alexandra Heller-Nicholas takes us into the historical movement that created the foundations for many Australian women filmmakers today.

Q&A with Have You Seen the Listers? director Eddie Martin
Eddie Martin, director of the MIFF Premiere Fund-supported film Have You Seen the Listers? speaks about the process of making the film and our changing attitudes to street art.

A Brilliant Career: Gillian Armstrong’s Filmmaking reaches High Tide
Rowena Lloyd traces Gillian Armstrong's career, her feminist focus, and her drive to investigate the complexities of the lives of others.