Director Juliano Mer Khamis / 2004 / Palestine,Israel,Netherlands
Arna's Children Palestine/Israel/Netherlands

'This must-see doco penetrates a Jenin refugee camp to follow several Palestinian children from laughing kids in a theatre group to grim actors on a grislier world stage. In documenting the work of his indomitable activist mother Arna, Israeli co-director Juliano Mer Khamis filmed between 1989 and 1996 then returned just after the 2002 invasion of Jenin, to see what happened to Arna's children. Sure to spark controversy for its straightforward presentation of the Palestinian struggle, the film is a devastating group portrait of the legacy of occupation.

'The filmmakers scrupulously avoid cheap shot juxtapositions, allowing the audience to largely make its own associations. 'Variety

'Juliano Mer Khamis' film' is a work of art, because it was made with a trembling hand, with the stammer of someone who does not know whom to mourn most: his mother, the boys from the Jenin camp or the trampled hopes of people yearning to be free. ', Israeli News

Arna's Children shared the award for best documentary at Tribeca Film Festival.

D/S Juliano Mer Khamis, Danniel Danniel P Osnat Trabelsi, Peter van Huystee WS First Hand Films L Arabic, Hebrew w/English subtitles TD Video/Col/2003/84mins Juliano Mer Khamis's films: Arna's Children (MIFF 2004).

Danniel Danniel's films include: Egg (1987), Mykosch (1995), Winter '89 (1997).

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