Director Ferne Pearlstein / 2004 / USA
Sumo East and West USA

The facts behind the flab. An exhaustive history of Sumo wrestling from its legendary beginnings (ancient Japanese myths state that the creation of the world was the result of a Sumo bout between the gods) through to the modern era, with the infiltration of a new breed of Hawaiian champion into the traditionally closed ranks of the sport.

The filmmakers explore the sheer complexity of the Sumo system, the punishing training regimen, the labyrinth of rituals surrounding the sport and the glory heaped upon the victors. Sumo veterans are treated as superhuman deities, and young children gasp at the chance to even touch their kimonos for good luck. Of course the massive weight gain takes a dangerous toll on aspirants; one star Hawaiian contender must bow out when his pancreas explodes after gorging.

Unearthed footage of archival matches and thrilling contemporary Japanese bouts round out the revealing interviews and locker room power plays. An hilarious aside is the Americanisation of the sport, with comical results, as amateur Sumos from around the world converge on Las Vegas for a display of pale butts and beer bellies.

D Ferne Pearlstein P Ferne Pearlstein, Robert Edwards S Robert Edwards WS CS Associates L English, Japanese w/English subtitles TD Video/Col/2003/85mins

Ferne Pearlstein's films include: Raising Nicholas (1993, short), To Meet the Elephants (1995, short), Dita and the Family Business (2001, co-dir).

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