Director Kevin Lucas / 2004 / Australia
The Widower Australia

Having its World Premiere at MIFF, The Widower is a music-drama structured around a collection of quintessential Les Murray poems that tell the story of two Australian men'a father and a son'who have lost the most treasured woman in their lives. Exploring the themes of love, ageing, isolation and loss in an Australian rural setting, this evocative tale is from MusicArtsDance, the creative team behind the award-winning One Night the Moon (MIFF 2001).

Following the death of his beloved wife, emotionally isolated woodcutter Neville (Chris Haywood, The Human Touch, MIFF 2004) is paralysed by the loss and unable to care for his son, Blake. Shipping the boy off to a distant boarding school, Neville plunges further into despair, escaping into a world of the imagination, and living in a suspended reality where dreams appear real. Several years later, Blake, now a young man, returns to his former home, shocked to discover what has become of his father.

'The Widower is a love story played backwards. It's about what loneliness can do to the imagination, and the enduring strength of the spirit to help us overcome loss and grief. It's about how the vitality of life, the essence of life, is found in the things we love.' -Director Kevin Lucas

Kevin Lucas and Aanya Whitehead are guests of the Festival.

D Kevin Lucas P Aanya Whitehead S Lyndon Terracini WS Digital Classics TD 35mm/Col/2004/60mins

Kevin Lucas' films include: Beyond El Rocco (1989), Black River (1992), Three Knocks on the Door (1996).

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