powerpoint 05

Powerpoint 05 presents a selection of the latest award-winning digital short films from around the world.

Rubber Johnny (UK, 7 mins) from the infamous Chris Cunningham, with a soundtrack by Aphex Twin. A disturbing short film tells of Johnny, a hyperactive, shape-shifting mutant child kept locked in a basement. Jona/Tomberry (The Netherlands, 12 mins) won the Canal + Prize for Best Short Film at Cannes, 2005. A Borges-meets-Murnau mixed-media animation. In The Mysterious Geographical Explorations of Jasper Morello (Australia, 26 mins), Melbourne's Anthony Lucas tells a wonderful Gothic travel tale set against beautiful collaged photographic backgrounds. Gopher Broke (USA, 4 mins), an Oscar-nominated story of one very hungry gopher. Echo (USA, 17 mins) evokes Pasolini's Oedipus Rex in its portrayal of the starkness and emotional brutality of mythical Greece. With Keanu Reeves as Narcissus!Reverie sans Frontiers (Australia, 6 mins) is based on thoughts shared between a detained refugee and the filmmaker, Lushin Tan. Seventeen (The Netherlands, 12 mins) tells of a young roofer whose desires for a neighbourhood girl fall flat. UNmarked (Australia, 5 mins) follows the story of a misprinted paper girl, struggling to find acceptance.

TD 35mm, video/col/2003-05/85mins

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