Zombie Honeymoon

Director Dave Gebroe / / USA

Denise takes her marriage vows seriously. It should come as no surprise then that when her new hubby Danny is attacked and infected by a zombie sailor, she stands right by her man... at least up until he starts looking at her like lunch!

A nicely nasty twist on the traditional zombie movie, Zombie Honeymoon balances humour, gore and - hell forbid - romance! The melancholy scenes of Denise trying to block out the sound of Danny munching on the local sheriff by turning up a television cooking programme are strangely poignant. Meanwhile, Danny and Denise bicker about their travel plans and Danny's, um, walking-dead, flesh-craving problem: "I'm sure those Portuguese zombie doctors will have me back on my feet in no time!"

"Against all odds, it's equal parts funny and sweet, gruesome and ghastly. For a horror movie, it has a lot of sincerely hewn heart and emotion; for a romance, it's got a lot of nasty gristle and zombie-chomp mayhem." - efilmcritic.com

D/P/S Dave Gebroe P Christina Reilly WS Cinema Vault TD video/col/ 2004/85mins

David Gebroe's films are The Homeboy (2001), Zombie Honeymoon (MIFF 05).

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