marey project, the
The Marey Project is the third video artwork by renowned Melbourne artist James Clayden to feature in MIFF over recent years. Clayden's HAMLET X (MIFF 04) and The Ghost Paintings (MIFF 03) have just screened internationally, including at Rotterdam and Buenos Aries film festivals. The Marey Project is a challenging new work inspired by the photographic and chronophotographic experiments of 19th-century French physiologist E.J. Marey that takes its audience to the edge of the abyss.
"Out of his attempts to render visible forces that are not themselves visible, 'a world arose that could not be grasped by looking. He simplified, halted and merged; things were made uniform and blurred. The tumultuous, abrupt and multiple would be unleashed on all sides by his instruments': capturing forces as their universe trembled in the throes of love." - director, James Clayden
James Clayden will be attending the festival.
D/S James Clayden WS James Clayden TD video/col/2005/87mins
James Clayden was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1947. His films include With Time to Kill (1987), HAMLET X (2003), The Ghost Paintings #2 and #3 (2002), The Ghost Paintings #1 and #4 (2003).