Me and you and everyone we know
"With her incredibly auspicious debut feature, acclaimed multimedia performance artist Miranda July makes the leap to feature filmmaking with such skill and original vision it's hard not to feel a tremor of excitement" - Sundance Film Festival
"July stars as Christine, a would-be artist and full-time Elder Cab (taxis for Seniors) driver who falls in love at first sight with a divorcee shoe salesman, Richard. It also involves two sexually curious teenage girls, a solemn neighbor, a dirty old man, some art curators, and me and you." - Film Threat
"Miranda July writes dialog that you have never heard anybody say before, and yet you believe these characters would say it. We are involved because the movie, with perfect control of tone and an insidiously haunting soundtrack, weaves us into its world. I have rarely felt so contained by a film. Delicate, tender, poetic, and yet so daring in some of its scenes that you sit in uncertain suspense, wondering if July can get away with her audacity. She can. She knows exactly what she's doing." - Chicago Sun-Times
Me and You and Everyone We Know featured in Critics' Week at this year's Cannes Film Festival and picked up the Camera d'Or.
D/S Miranda July P Gina Kwon WS IFC Films TD 35mm/col/2005/90mins
Miranda July was born in Barre, USA, in 1974. You and Me and Everyone We Know (MIFF 05) is her first feature film.