With a pair of hair-horns decorating his otherwise bald pate, Japanese photographer Nobuyoshi Araki darts about his studio like a perverted elf. He tilts his camera, swivels a light, moves a flower vase and then adjusts the privates of his model to get the correct composition! Araki makes no distinction between his racy porn shoots and his coffee-table-book landscapes. He is a formidable presence, a hyperactive and humorously obsessive force of creativity. Araki is haunted by his love for his wife, lost to illness, and literally churns out images to fill the hole left in his life; he has had more than 360 books published in Japan. Celebrity fans Kitano Takeshi, Bjork and Richard Kern weigh in with their takes on the master lensman, his formidable body of work and his extreme personality. The music is by DJ Krush. "Distinguished by a dirty giggle and a relentlessly invasive camera, Mr. Araki would appear to be either a genius or a con artist, perhaps a little of both." - New York Times. Contains scenes that may offend some viewers