MIFF is proud to present the Australian premiere of Pixar's One Man Band, the latest short film from the world-renowned computer-animation giant. Pixar is responsible for groundbreaking animations such as Toy Story, Finding Nemo (featuring MIFF's own Geoffrey Rush), Monsters Inc. and The Incredibles. Co-directed by Andrew Jimenez and Mark Andrews, One Man Band is a hilarious tale of two street musicians and a small child with only one coin. The comic timing is spot on, the animation flawless and the imagination out of this world. D/S Andrew Jimenez, Mark Andrews P Osnat Shurerk L no dialogue TD 35mm/col/2005/5mins Animatics pioneer Andrew Jimenez will present, exclusive to MIFF audience, clips of Pixar's recent works, and discuss the company's animation practices and background, and its dedication to the short film format. The presentation and Q&A will follow the screening of One Man Band at ACMI, 7pm Thursday 4 August. Andrew Jimenez worked on Iron Giant (1999), Monster's Inc. (2001), Finding Nemo (2003), The Incredibles (2004). Mark Andrews worked on Iron Giant (1999), Osmosis Jones (2001), Spider-Man (2002), The Incredibles (2004).
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