A musical film production in Shanghai reunites old lovers and sets the scene for a tragic love triangle in this glorious musical from director Peter Ho-sun Chan, starring Japanese pin-up Takeshi Kaneshiro (House of Flying Daggers).
Tempestuous director Nie and rising star actress Sun are partners, both on and off the screen. When Nie, for his latest musical film, casts a young heart-throb from Hong Kong opposite Sun, he unwitting reunites two old flames.
Only after casting himself in a pivotal role in the musical does Nie realise the gravity of the situation he has created; his script is the story of a love triangle - and life seems to be imitating art as the actors in the musical play out their roles.
Filled with exquisite musical numbers, an eye-catching pan-Asian cast and stunning cinematography, Perhaps Love is both exhilarating and heart-rending viewing. A poignant antidote to the ‘love conquers-all' musicals of Hollywood.
D/P Peter Ho-sun Chan P Andre Morgan S Audrey Lam, Raymond To
WS Celestial Pictures Ltd L Mandarin w/English subtitles
TD 35mm/2005/110mins
Peter Ho-sun Chan was born in Bangkok, Thailand, in 1962. His films include Comrades: Almost a Love Story (1996) and The Love Letter (1999).