Director Robert McCafferty / 2006 / Australia

<p> <strong>FRIDAY 4 AUGUST 9PM - SOLD OUT</strong> </p><p>From humble beginnings in 1991 as little more than a friends' party in rural Victoria, the Meredith Music Festival has grown into one of the most distinctive music events in the world. With performers running the musical gamut from rock to jazz to hip-hop, Meredith serves up a much-loved annual treat for Australian music lovers.</p><p>Drawing on a range of archival footage filmed by festival organisers and punters, <em><strong>A Weekend in the Country</strong></em> shows the growth of the festival over the past 15 years. In addition to cataloguing some of the more memorable moments during the festival's history (including some obligatory footage of the Meredith Gift, the nude foot race that takes place on the final day of the festival), the documentary features electrifying concert footage and interviews from such Australian mainstays as the Augie March, Dirty Three, You Am I, Powdermonkeys, the Fireballs and Spiderbait. Providing a definitive sample of 90s Australian music, A Weekend in the Country is a celebration of a uniquely antipodean event.</p> <p>Filmmakers will be attending the festival</p><p><strong>Director Robert McCafferty will introduce the session on Friday 4 August, 9pm at ACMI. A Q&A will follow the screening.</strong> <br /></p><p>

</p> <p>D Robert McCafferty P Beau McCafferty, Robert McCafferty<br /> Dist Madman Ltd TD video/2006/75mins</p> <p>Robert McCafferty was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1977. A Weekend in the Country: A History of the Meredith Music Festival (2006) is his feature film directing debut. </p>

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