Director Robinson Devor / 2006 / USA

In 2005, a 45 year-old executive was anonymously delivered to hospital with a perforated colon. Following his subsequent death, videotapes found at his home showed him having sex with an Arabian stallion. The ensuing media coverage and public outcry over this incident uncovered a secret community of zoophiles - or ‘zoos' - which prompted filmmaker Robinson Devor to investigate further. His expressionistic rendering of how apparently upstanding citizens banded together into the most taboo realms of behaviour reveals the enormous gulf between what we appear to be and who we really are. Nominated for the Grand Jury Prize at this year's Sundance Film Festival. “A subdued, mysterious and intensely beautiful film that presents bestiality not for the purpose of titillation… but as a way of investigating the subjective nature of morality.” - Variety

D Robinson Devor P Alexis Ferris S Charles Mudede WS THINKFilm TD digibeta/2006/78mins

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