Director Curt Johnson / 2006 / USA

“This film is an easy Oscar contender.” - Stan Lee In 2005, the FBI determined that the number one domestic terrorist threat to the USA were animal rights activists. This surprising statement motivated documentary maker Curt Johnson to dive deeper into the animal rights debate; more specifically, the divide that exists between two parties who seemingly stand on a common ground - animal rights activists and animal welfare advocates. Johnson himself states that his film is “a documentary and not a propaganda piece”. Looking thoroughly at all sides of the argument, he bravely questions some of the heavy-hitters in the animal rights arena who have previously been beyond reproach. “A miraculously evenhanded treatment of a snarlingly divisive debate… A legal, ethical and moral minefield through which Johnson skips nimbly. ” - Variety Contains scenes that may offend

D/P Curt Johnson WS Circus Road Films TD HDcam/2006/106mins

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