Director Tom McCarthy / 2007 / USA

“A heartfelt human drama that sneaks up and floors you.” - Rolling Stone

Middle-age college professor Walter Vale is a visitor in his own life. Trapped in a malaise of inertia and depression, he shuffles through life doing as little as possible. Returning to his rarely used apartment in New York he stumbles into the lives of immigrant Tarek and his girlfriend Zainab, who were swindled into thinking the apartment was theirs. Taking pity on the couple, Walter allows them to stay and finds an unlikely bond with another culture.

Hopeful and uplifting, The Visitor is a heart-warming tale about finally getting into the rhythm of life.

D/S Thomas McCarthy P Omar Amanat, Michael London, Chris Salvaterra, Mary Jane Skalski, Jeff Skoll, Ricky Strauss, John Woldenberg Dist Rialto Distribution L English TD 35mm/2007/106mins

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