Intermission Program 2: The Contradiction

Live performances by Automaton, Botborg, Arf Arf and Cathy Vogan (SPK) in conjunction with the MIFF Punk Becomes Pop program

Vocal, exploited and stolen, a night where the fascination of the mirrored self is exposedfor its true perversion. Where poetry is beaten, filmed and cut in black and white, and public boundaries are ignored and ratified. A night of performance presenting the feedback improvisers Botborg, the explosive narratives of Cathy Vogan (SPK) and guests; the strange vocal arts of Arf Arf; and Automaton formed especially to perform in this event featuring Vijay Thilimuthu, Nat8, Corey Sands and Keith Deverell.

Automaton (20 mins)
Vijay Thillaimuthu, Na8, Corey Sands and Mr Pike

Like the Jacques de Vaucanson's Canard Digérateur, or Digesting Duck, stuff goes in and stuff comes out. Well almost. Automaton are a complex system of synesthetic capacity drawing from mainstream media and humans inevitable ability to fuck things up. In a vague attempt at system control, the Automaton mix through circuit bent machinery, techno routines, overloaded circuits, analog tv's, feedback, and what ever else is triggered inside one of the systems organic structures. In the true spirt of techno and festive, Automaton is a brief coming together that has nothing, is nothing, and will leave nothing.

Media: Custom/networked software hardware environment, surveillance cameras and TVs

Botborg (20 mins)

Botborg is a practical demonstration of the theories of Dr Arkady Botborger (1923 - 81), founder of the 'occult' science of Photosonicneurokineasthography - translated as "writing the movement of nerves through use of sound and light". Botborg's ‘instrument' is the Photosonicneurokineasthograph - a complex feedback machine incorporating an entangled mix of new and old technologies, which is then altered and customized to the unique features of every venue. All demonstrations are completely improvised and no source material is used outside the Photosonicneurokineasthograph.

Media: Feedback electronics.

Arf Arf (20 mins)

ASTRONAUTS RE-USED FARTS (as rocket fuel). We will squeeze our innards, leap about like virgins, and swear in German, three times to make it holy. Dreaming out loud a tiny rope-ladder of wet fur and tobacco; we don't expect to be back in time for supper.

Media: 16 mm film, DVD projection, live voice and performance

Mimosis - a tale about pirates, princesses and pox
(25 mins)
Cathy Vogan + Guests, inc. K.Osmosis (SPK)

This little bitch (CaTV from the new SPK) looks like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, but she's got some very nasty friends, and her work is toxic as hell. Do not under any circumstances watch Mimosis if you are prone to epileptic fits or easily hypnotized, and be warned that even in her quieter moments, she'll be fucking with your head. Officially, Mimosis is about "mirror neurons and ogres...".

Performers; Cathy Vogan + Guests, inc. K.Osmosis (SPK), Jon Fox, Alla Becker
Media: DVD projection, live image, music and performance

Thanks to MetroScreen for production support for Cathy Vogan.

Thursday 30 July, 9.30 pm - 12.00 pm (Door/bar opens 8pm)

Ding Dong Lounge
18 Market Lane, Melbourne

$25 full price
$22 concession
$20 MIFF member

MIFF passes are not valid

Presented by MIFF and Greyspace


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