The Promise

Director Norman Walker / 1952 / UK

The story opens with the funeral of Mr. Townsend, a social worker. His successor attempts to find the motivating influence of his life, set in modern England. His mind flashes back to Biblical times when Jesus appeared in the flesh. The people listening marvelled that unlearned men could speak so eloquently and the priests who persecuted Jesus were bewildered and afraid. When the young social worker brings his mind back from this musing, he realizes that the gift of the Holy Spirit is vouchsafed to him and to all men and appreciates the meaning of this tremendous fact. This is a moving and inspirational film depicted with delicacy and dramatic impact. Several British stars appear without screen credit, contributing to the excellence of a fine production and especially good photography. The stories of each of Townsend's contacts are told with subtlety, exquisite parables without sentimentality.

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