Director Felix Mariassy / 1956 / Hungary

Felix Mariassy, whose first film Springtime in Budapest painted a grim picture of a war-torn city, here creates a charming and vivacious love story. Scripted by his wife Judith, the film describes how a young national service man, returning on leave, finds that his girl friend has partially forgotten him and is leading a shallow life of dubious pleasure.

The influences of Italian neo-realism are discernible in the way in which Budapest itself is made to play an active part in the story — in this case, a city full of sunshine and eager pleasure-seeking youth. Although his social observation is acute, it is Mariassy's portrait of the two lovers which gives the film its special appeal; and Eva Ruttkey's playing of Julika has a sureness of feeling and irrcsis table blend of gaiety and flightiness, which makes her one of the most promising actresses to emerge from Eastern Europe in recent years.

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