La tête de Normande St-Onge

Director Gilles Carle / 1975 / Canada

Normande St. Onge is a salesgirl in a large pharmacy in the city. Her mother is in a mental institution, and the film revolves around Normande's efforts to understand the supposed insanity of her mother and the reasons for her being in an institution. The film traces her experiences over the period of a few days, during which time she meets a conjurer-magician named Carol. He helps Normande arrange for the escape of her mother. After leaving the hospital and arriving at Normande's apartment. Mme. St. Onge becomes progressively more normal, and just at the point when the atmosphere is a positive and happy one, Jean-Paul, Mme. St. Onge's brother, appears on the scene. He is accompanied by two policemen, and has come to take his sister back to hospital The mystery as to why Mme. St. Onge was in hospital in the first place, is now cleared up. The film ends with Normande herself becoming progressively more distant from reality, and sinking deeper and deeper into a dream world

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