Csók, Anyu

Director János Rózsa / 1987 / Hungary
János Rózsa's new film a modern tragi-comedy about strained family relations, whose meaning is universal. The first part, and probably the best, is an ingenious kaleidoscope tracing the frenetic life of a family, (headed by a well positioned businessman who brings his mistress home for a quick grapple) who so infrequently meet that they are forced to scribble messages on a kitchen board. The younger son has rigged up a complicated telescope spying system with which he can survey the neighbourhood while playing truant, and much of the action centres on him and the luxuriously appointed house, through which Elemér Ragalyi's camera prowls with maximum virtuosity. The film finally seems to condemn the parents for their self-centredness, but only occasionally becomes too serious and preachy. The fast moving cast are pressed into a tight ensemble and introduced in a witty sequence as the house and its inhabitants awaken and prepare for another quirky day." - John Gillet, London Film Festival programme, 1987

From an interview with János Rózsa: "Do you think people in other countries will understand the situation in the film - that leisure time has virtually disappeared in modern-day Hungary?"

Naturally. Everyone in the world recognizes a rat race when they see one.”

"Naturally Everyone in the world recog- nises zx rat race when they sec one.”
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