Director Nicole Holofcener / 1996 / USA

Two small girls, Amelia and Laura, giggle over a copy of The Joy of Sex. Flash forward: best friends since the sixth grade, Laura is now a trainee therapist and Amelia is in dire need of one - both are approaching 30 and having difficulty adjusting their childhood friendship to compensate for the trials of adulthood.

Laura is prepared to cancel her wedding with fiancee Frank over an argument about a mole he refuses to have removed from his chest. Amelia is dumped by the homely and goofy Bill after he overhears an answering machine mes­sage from Laura asking her how her date with the 'ugly guy from the video store' went. 'Big Jeans', the cat shared by the girls since child­hood, throws herself out the window after undergoing chemotherapy.

Will Laura rekindle her attraction to Frank? Will Amelia overcome her bizarre weakness for men whose idea of a hot date is dwarf tossing?

Nicole Holofcener's zippy script is loaded with candid glimpses into the intimate details of her characters' lives. Intelligent, refreshing and a hoot from the first frame, Walking and Talking will sit comfortably with the Seinfeld generation, where nothing too much happens but a whole lot of laughing is done about it.

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