Director Craig Monahan / 1998 / Australia

Eddie Hewing—a nobody, a man you'd pass in the street Without a glance—1$ descended upon by the homicide squad al dawn, hauled out of bed and downtown Horrified, convinced that a terrible mistake has been made, Eddie must face a barrage of questions and enraged cops accusing him of an horrific series of crimes. Unless Eddie can come up with the right answers and alibis, it looks like he's going down.

Perceptions of truth and questions of justice arc are the themes of Craig Munahan's dazzling debut. The superb cinematography, first class performances and phenomenal art direction are bonuses heaped upon a script so original I hat no audience could fail to be totally enthralled. The film has been designed as a continuous reveal, peeling back layers ol the onion, one by one. No beats no sign posts, no early warning that comes with more conventional—and far less suspenseful—films We discover the truth of what is really happening at the same moment Eddie does. We are as bewildered and shocked as he is. But then the truth about Eddie is even more shocking—or is it the truth?

Set to David Hirschlelder's (an Oscar nominee lor his Shine soundtrack) menacing score. The Interview is edge of Ihe sea! material from frame one to fade oul. The police experiment with their own mind games lo force a confession They are in lurn manipulated and turned against one another. Both Kafka arid Hitchcock would have been proud to have had a hand in this lilm. alive as it is with (jiiill, persecution and serpentine plot twists. A knockout Itrsl feature that will loom large in Ihe memory of MIFF audiences.

Craig Monahan began an undergraduate degree at the Australian Film, Television and Radio School in 1980. After graduating in 1983 he went on to produce and direct the popular SBS music program, Rock Around the World. Throughout the 1980s Monahan honed his skills writing and directing projects including Compared To Us, a documentary for UNICEF, acclaimed documentary Animated (1990) as well as music videos for Australian rock bands including Kids in the Kitchen, Moving Pictures, Electric Pandas and Rose Tattoo. The Interview, which Monahan began writing eight years ago, is his first feature film.

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