Director Lee Frost / 1975 / USA

The black community with the aid of white money forms the People's Army. In some white eyes, that could only spell - The Black Gestapo. Whitey wears plaid leisure suits and white loafers. Brothers and sisters are more into uniforms and arm-bands. The ideals of Malcom X and Farrakan go astray in this allegory of unrestrained black power. The People's Army gets drunk on that power. Hardcore offensiveness lies in the depiction of Panther-style separatism as the desire to control illegal profits in the ghetto. The black generals drive pimp mobiles and hang pool-side with skinny white bimbos. Director Lee Frost previously made numerous 60s sexploitation flicks. Continual exposure of and references to breasts give the film a porno aura. Scenes of castration, comb-overs, toupees and chest carpets give it a porno stench. Low budget, bad taste and a raw aggressiveness. The real face of Blaxploitation cinema. The Stax Riots raged less than one year later. - Philip Brophy

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