This Australian Premiere collection of Heller's 16mm and 35mm films exemplify cinema's palpable ability to transport the audience to a land of its own imagining.

Eve Heller will be in attendance at the screening.

Films screen courtesy of sixpack film

Last Lost
Eve Heller, 14 mins, 1996, 16mm, B&W, Sound
A mesmerizing and wondrous film gleaned from an entertainment movie about a spritely chimpanzee and revellers escaping the heat at Coney Island.

Her Glacial Speed
Eve Heller, 5 mins, 2001, B&W, Silent
“I set out to make a film about how unwitting constellations of meaning rise to the surface of understanding at a pace outside of worldly time. This premise became a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

Ruby Skin
Eve Heller, 4.30 mins, 2005, 16mm, Colour, Sound
In the tradition of the language cut-up, Ruby Skin disentangles the sound and vision of a magenta hued educational film to create mental mayhem or play for the viewer!

Behind This Soft Eclipse
Eve Heller, 10 mins, 2004, 16mm, B&W, Silent
A cinematic rumination on the riddle of presence and absence that utilizes hand processed negative and positive imagery, exploiting some of the medium's unique characteristics to engage the imagination of the viewer.

Astor Place
Eve Heller, 10 mins, 1997, 16mm, B&W, Silent
Eve Heller's Astor Place poses the question of who is watching whom by positioning an observational camera in a modern urban thoroughfare in a film that pays homage to early cinema.

Eve Heller, 2 mins, 1978/2009, 35mm (S-8 blow up), Colour, Silent
Excavating the very first roll of film she ever shot, Eve Heller provides an ambiguous illumination upon which to meditate.

Self-Examination Remote Control
Eve Heller, 5 mins, 1981/2009, 35mm (S-8 blow up), Colour, Sound
One of Eve Heller's earliest films, Self-Examination Remote Control explores the perplexing predicament of being both subject and object.

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