"An unquestionably eye-opening, deeply human, strikingly lensed look at an impoverished family whose rudimentary living conditions are a sharp riposte to the illusion of China's economic boom." - Variety
Three sisters, aged four, six and ten, live alone in a tiny village in Yunnan Province, barely surviving on small rations of food supplied by their stern aunt. The girls' mother has deserted them and their father is away, trying to earn a living in the city.
Renowned documentarian Wang Bing's commitment to realism underscores what he describes as "a simple story", that captures the girls' gritty, personal reality from a strangely whimsical perspective, lending an almost fable-like quality to their lives. Presenting viewers with a stark contrast to the image of modern, moneyed China, Alone is a powerful story of hope and the fire of the human spirit in desperate times.
"Wang Bing's magic is at work again, suggesting, behind every image, a wealth of silent emotions, a wave of historical change." - Senses of Cinema
D Wang Bing P Sylvie Faguer, Mao Hui WS Chinese Shadows L Mandarin w/English subtitles TD DCP/2012