"One of the most unusual and unique portrayals of the Hollywood machine: an anarchic meta-comedy that finds absurdity, melancholy and beauty behind the studio gates." – Little White Lies
Concerned about disappearing profits, a Hollywood executive sends an inept odd jobs man to spy on the studio's productions. As he makes his way through the sets and office spaces of the complex, the accident-prone flunkey leaves destruction in his wake wherever he goes – and inadvertently becomes a star.
A frequently self-referential satire on his own experiences in the movie business, The Errand Boy is one of Jerry Lewis' finest comedies: an opportunity for him to showcase his aptitude for physical comedy while lampooning the extravagance and egocentrism of his industry.
"The self-reflectivity of The Errand Boy … alone justifies Lewis' reputation as a master of postmodern sentiment." – Slant
Print courtesy of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences