Director Desiree Akhavan / 2018 / USA

Winner of the Sundance Grand Jury Prize (US Dramatic), Desiree Akhavan’s sophomore feature sees Chloë Grace Moretz turn in a career-best performance as a teen sent to a conversion therapy camp.

Adapting Emily M Danforth’s acclaimed Young Adult novel, Akhavan brings the same fierce intellect she displayed in Appropriate Behavior (MIFF 2014) to the story of Cameron Post, a recently orphaned adolescent girl who is caught in flagrante with another girl at her high-school prom and promptly shipped off to a ‘pray the gay away’ camp called God’s Promise.

Where Akhavan’s debut was delightfully brash and irreverent, The Miseducation of Cameron Post takes a more nuanced approach that’s equal parts humble, heartbreaking, compassionate and wry. On record lamenting the lack of queer John Hughes films when she was growing up, Akhaven has crafted a sophomore feature – brimming with authenticity, hope and low-key humour – that could well fill that role for a new generation.

"Blazingly intelligent ... there are no words strong enough to describe what a special film this is." – Moveable Feast

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