Sanrizuka – Peasants of the Second Fortress

Director Shinsuke Ogawa / 1971 / Japan

Ogawa Productions’ first internationally successful film captures the resistance of the farmers in Sanrizuka, Japan, as they attempt to save their land from a government takeover.

Chronicling the ongoing struggles in the titular city (now known as Narita), Sanrizuka – Peasants of the Second Fortress (1971) is the fourth – and most lauded – documentary made by the socially-minded Ogawa Productions, led by director Shinsuke Ogawa. After their momentous documentation of student uprisings in late 60s Tokyo, the Japanese collective embedded themselves with local landowners who had taken up a long fight with the government to protect their livelihoods from the threat of a new international airport.

Here, four years into this resistance movement, the violent conflict has escalated, with the farmers building fortresses and underground tunnels while the filmmakers boldly follow their struggles, closely observing both battle scenes and personal involvement, particularly from the women in the movement. A crucial portrait of Japanese politics and radical environmental protest.

“Excellently photographed … Compassionate, curious and carefully selective … An admirable political film.” – Time Out

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