Disobedient Muses: Jackie Raynal, Les Insoumuses and Barbara Cleveland

/ Australia,France

Feminism, media interrogation, enduring relationships and exploratory cinematic art practices are showcased in this series spanning two continents and five decades.

Australian artist collective Barbara Cleveland’s intimately-made film This is a stained glass window (2019) draws on conceptual art and performance documentation to self-reflexively survey their then-15-year collaborative relationship. French collective Les Insoumuses tackle the casual sexism of the French media in Maso and Miso Go Boating (1976), using an irreverent sense of humour and editing techniques to provocatively interrupt a misogynistic television broadcast. Deux fois (1968) by Jackie Raynal – a filmmaker from the radical French collective Zanzibar Group – is a wild, experimental provocation featuring the charismatic director herself in an assemblage of unconnected, often-repeating scenes.

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