48 Hours

Director Azadeh Moussavi / / Iran

This restrained and powerful short shows how imprisonment doesn’t only affect the inmate.

After three years incarcerated, political prisoner Nader is given a two-day furlough to visit his family. He struggles to reconnect with his young daughter, who has grown trepidatious in his absence. Inspired by Iranian writer/director Azadeh Moussavi’s own childhood, when her father was similarly arrested for political reasons, this moving work explores how separation ripples across a family whose members each suffer a different kind of grief.

Following Moussavi’s features From Iran, A Separation and Finding Farideh – the latter of which was selected to represent Iran in the Academy Awards’ Best International Feature Film category – 48 Hours has screened at Clermont-Ferrand, New Directors/New Films and Flickerfest, where it won the Special Jury Prize for International Short Film.

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