Behind the Scenes - Sound Design: Tristan Meredith

Uncover the secrets of film production with MIFF Industry as Accelerator Lab goes Behind the Scenes with key creative talents from MIFF Premiere Fund–supported films.

Sound Design: Tristan Meredith
Inspired by the minimalist sensibility of dialogue-free silent cinema, the MIFF Premiere Fund–supported Memory Film: A Filmmaker’s Diary is an immersive cine-poem drawn from director Jeni Thornley’s 30-year-long super-8 archive, which came to sound designer Tristan Meredith (who also sound-designed Ablaze, MIFF Premiere Fund 2021) essentially as a silent film. Exploring the art of sound design and the processes of collaboration in filmmaking, veteran cinema journalist Sandy George examines the working relationship and creative choices underpinning the completed film.

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