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Podcast: The Kids Will Be Alright
Critics Campus participant Vyshnavee Wijekumar takes an in-depth look at Off Country and The Kids, two documentaries that explore the experiences of young people within vulnerable communities across different eras and geographic locations.

Ablaze – Q&A with Alec Morgan and Tiriki Onus
A chat with Alec Morgan and Tiriki Onus about their MIFF Premiere Fund–supported documentary Ablaze and delving deep into Indigenous and film history.

Transience and Transformation: An Interview with Kyle Davis
Critics Campus 2021 participant Jared Richards speaks to Dry Winter director Kyle Davis about big transitions – from short to feature filmmaking, and in life – as well as depicting rural Australia in his affecting film.

Love in Bright Landscapes – Q&A with Jonathan Alley
Director Jonathan Alley talks to MIFF about his latest documentary, an engrossing portrait of the rise and untimely demise of David McComb, the virtuosic frontman of Australian rock band The Triffids.

Transcending the Solitary Body in Bodies in Motion
Critics Campus 2021 participant Tiia Kelly unpicks the thematic and artistic threads weaving together the short films in the Bodies in Motion package.

Lone Wolf – Q&A with Jonathan Ogilvie
A chat with Lone Wolf writer/director Jonathan Ogilvie on bringing Joseph Conrad to Melbourne through his visually inventive political thriller.

Souad – Four Ways
Ayten Amin’s Souad is given the critical treatment by four of our 2021 Critics Campus participants: Tiia Kelly, Hassan Abul, Vyshnavee Wijekumar and Ying-Di Yin.

Little Tornadoes – Q&A with Aaron Wilson
An interview with MIFF Accelerator Lab alumnus Aaron Wilson on recreating 1970s Australia in period drama Little Tornadoes.

All Light, Everywhere – Four Ways
Theo Anthony’s All Light, Everywhere receives some critical attention from four of our 2021 Critics Campus participants: Muhib Nabulsi, Jared Richards, Charlotte Daraio and Louise Cain.

Meditations on Mortality: Christopher Makoto Yogi’s I Was a Simple Man
Critics Campus 2021 participant Ying-Di Yin examines the portrayals of death, diaspora and family in I Was a Simple Man.

Hating Peter Tatchell – Q&A with Christopher Amos
A chat with director Christopher Amos on his biographical account of human rights activist Peter Tatchell and the activism that inspires him.