Director Michael Bryans, Tina Viljoen / 1983 / Canada

Persuading soldiers to withstand the terror and exhaustion of combat until they're either killed or maimed is one of the keys to being a successful field officer At Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, both fresh and seasoned officers keep in practice by simulating battle situations.

Gwynne Dyer comments: "We let them have their own separate society, run mostly by themselves. We offer them travel, adventure, status. We show them respect when they're living and veneration if they die It's a much better deal than we offer bus drivers or secretaries, but it seems worth our while, as civilians to give soldiers these privileges because, in turn, they take war off our hands." Part 3 of the seven-part series "War"(see "Anybody's Son Will Do", also screening in this year's Festival).

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