Meili Shiguang

Director Chang Tso-chi / 2002 / Taiwan/Japan

Wei and Jei are neighbours and best friends. The two 19-year-olds each live with their widowed fathers and annoying siblings in the suburbs of Taipei. However they couldn't be less alike in character and temperament. Wei, the more grounded of the two, is promoted from a parking valet to a debt collector and persuades his boss to hire his friend. Jei, easily excitable and utterly reckless, becomes dangerous when a gun is placed in his hands, as reward for success in the new job. When the two youths attempt to collect a debt from a rival gang, a fight erupts and Jei shoots the leader. The boys find themselves on the run, trying to escape from their past mistakes, but fate, and their youthful dreams, still have tricks to play.

A fast-paced and energetic film that plays out on the streets of Taipei, The Best of Times is a vibrant cinematic rush. Director Chang Tso-chi further stamps his unique mark on world cinema with his particular blend of reality and fantasy, with this imaginative new film which screened at the Venice, Toronto and Pusan Film Festivals.

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