Look Into My Eyes
Look Into My Eyes

Look Into My Eyes

Dir. Lana Wilson / 2023 / 108 mins / USA / English / Australian Premiere

Supporter and sceptic alike will be touched as seven psychics connect their clients with the supernatural – or simply with the dreams and fears buried in their psyches.

In New York City, shopfront fortune tellers and spirit mediums trade in their dozens between the Starbucks and bodegas. But what actually happens in their sessions? This film takes viewers past the beaded curtain to meet seven psychics and their clients. You won’t find many crystal balls; rather, you’ll get to know true masters of ceremonies – hosts for the most intimate and interior theatre. Through deft and fluent disquisitions on curiosity, memory, loss and loneliness, they give their clients permission to feel the truths they sense are out there.

Lana Wilson’s earlier work – including the Taylor Swift concert film Miss Americana and Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields – has scaled the heights of fame and the image of celebrity. In this rare A24-backed documentary, her unobtrusive but meticulous approach respectfully illuminates a different strand of consummate performance. Like the clairvoyant who offers sight beyond the physical realm, Look Into My Eyes presents insights that transcend the obvious, seeking to empathetically shed light on the profound impulses for compassion, connection and closure.

“Fascinating … Wilson doesn’t solve the mysteries of the universe, but she does do something remarkable: unveiling the very human desires and drives that motivate us to reach out for something bigger than ourselves.” – The Wrap