She Loved Blossoms More

She Loved Blossoms More

Dir. Yannis Veslemes / 2024 / 88 mins / France, Greece / French, Greek / Victorian Premiere

Three brothers attempt to lure their mum back from the dead in this bizarre and strangely beautiful nightmare tale.

Using a time machine concocted from a wardrobe, a trio of siblings venture to bring their long-gone mother back to the world of the living. As they deal with their delusional father and a girlfriend who plies them with drugs, their wayward experiments catapult them into a time-warped journey of grief and longing that is as visually arresting as it is comedic and disturbing.

Premiering at Tribeca, Yannis Veslemes’s outlandish and otherworldly genre trip is delivered as a grainy-textured dreamscape. After the award-winning feature Norway and a series of short films, including a grotesque twist on Greek folklore in the fright-filled anthology Field Guide to Evil (MIFF 2018), the writer/director has dubbed his second feature “a ballad for the defeated, a comedy for the accursed, a moral tale for us all and our beloved families”. With Dominique Pinon (Delicatessen; Alien: Resurrection) injecting a sinister side to the paternal and Panos Papadopoulos, Julio Giorgos Katsis and Aris Balis portraying the desperation of sons left behind, She Loved Blossoms More potently asks: how far would you go for the ones you hold dear?