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Nothings Lasts Forever and Oddball Dystopias of the 70s and 80s
Nothing Lasts Forever is one of a number of subversive sci-fi satires worthy of your attention, says 2017 Critics Campus participant Dominic Ellis.

Alive and Radical: The Grey-Haired Girls of Top of the Lake: China Girl
Jane Campion celebrates the spirit of women in their prime both on screen and in person with Top of the Lake: China Girl, writes 2017 Critics Campus participant Blythe Worthy.

Beyond Ambition: Nicole Kidman and Jane Campion’s journey toward Top of the Lake: China Girl
MIFF 2017 Critics Campus participant Blythe Worthy traces the journey made by Nicole Kidman and Jane Campion to bring them both to Top of the Lake: China Girl

Yorgos Lanthimos, Nikos Nikolaidis and the tradition of Greek shock cinema
MIFF Critics Campus participant Kai Perrignon takes a look at the beginnings of the Greek "weird wave" that paved the way for Yorgos Lanthimos

A Life Unsaved: an Interview with Sotiris Dounoukos
In the final Critics Campus 2016 article, participant Doosie Morris talks true crime, vulnerability, and community with Joe Cinque’s Consolation director Sotiris Dounoukos.

Movements in the Desert: an Interview with Celia Rowlson-Hall
Critics Campus 2016 participant Jessica Ellicott discusses virtuous women, the language of dance, and wanting to be Jesus with Ma director Celia Rowlson-Hall.

Aquarius, Four Ways
Critics Campus 2016 participants Aimee Knight, Tanya Farley, Isabella McNeill, and Ella Donald review Kleber Mendonça Filho’s Aquarius.

Emotional Mapping: an Interview with Kim A Snyder
Critics Campus 2016 participant Isabella McNeill talks tragedy, trauma, and recovery with Newtown director Kim A Snyder.
Show You the World: an Interview with Roger Ross Williams
Critics Campus 2016 participant Aimee Knight chats with Life, Animated director Roger Ross Williams about Disney, autism, and diversity.

Searching for Monsieur Mayonnaise: a Conversation with Trevor Graham and Philippe Mora
Critics Campus 2016 participant Andréas Giannopoulos discusses humour, hummus and the Holocaust with Monsieur Mayonnaise filmmakers Trevor Graham and Philippe Mora.

The Low Down on Down Under: An Interview with Abe Forsythe
Critics Campus 2016 participant Tanya Farley grills director Abe Forsythe about his comedic skewering of the 2005 Cronulla riots, Down Under.