
Moments Found in Film: An Interview with Jean-François Lesage

Critics Campus 2020 participant Jack Rowland speaks to Prayer for a Lost Mitten director Jean-François Lesage about loss, melancholy, nostalgia and the making of his poignant film.

By Jack Rowland | 22 Aug 2020
Interviews Critics Campus

“Like a Voyeur Watching a Voyeur”: An Interview with Alex Roberts and Daniel Leclair

Critics Campus 2020 participant Michelle Wang speaks to The Meddler co-directors Alex Roberts and Daniel Leclair about vigilantism, voyeurism and their film subject German Cabrera.

By Michelle Wang | 21 Aug 2020

Critics Campus

First Cow, Four Ways

Kelly Reichardt’s First Cow is given the critical treatment by four of our 2020 Critics Campus participants: Isabella Mahoney, Bruce Koussaba, Michelle Wang and Jack Rowland.

19 Aug 2020

Critics Campus

Mogul Mowgli, Four Ways

Bassam Tariq’s Mogul Mowgli receives some critical attention from four of our 2020 Critics Campus participants: Angus McGrath, Merryana Salem, Shaheen Ahmed and Annika Morling.

17 Aug 2020

Critics Campus Reviews

A Labour of Love: The Metamorphosis of Birds

Critics Campus 2020 participant Isabella Mahoney dissects the representations of memory and intimacy in Catarina Vasconcelos’ The Metamorphosis of Birds.

By Isabella Mahoney | 14 Aug 2020

Critics Campus Reviews

Sumptuous Cityscape: Gitanjali Rao’s Bombay Rose

Critics Campus 2020 participant Shaheen Ahmed joins ABC Radio National The Screen Show presenter Jason Di Rosso to discuss Gitanjali Rao’s Bombay Rose.

By Shaheen Ahmed | 14 Aug 2020

Critics Campus Reviews

Connection Failed: The Echo, Call History, Don’t Forget to Go Home

Critics Campus 2020 participant Bruce Koussaba discusses how the themes of disconnection, distance and identity unfold in the short films The Echo, Call History and Don’t Forget to Go Home.

By Bruce Koussaba | 13 Aug 2020

Critics Campus Reviews

High and Dry: Anthony Chen’s Wet Season

Critics Campus 2020 participant Michelle Wang takes a look at the portrayals of loneliness and yearned-for comfort in Anthony Chen’s Wet Season.

By Michelle Wang | 13 Aug 2020

Critics Campus Reviews

Hauntings of Memory: The Past Relived in Playback

Critics Campus 2020 participant Angus McGrath delves into recollection, representation and materiality as seen in Agustina Comedi’s Playback.

By Angus McGrath | 13 Aug 2020

Critics Campus Reviews

Transformation and Self-Destruction in Anne at 13,000 Ft

Critics Campus 2020 participant Annika Morling dives into the sensitive, skilful character study that is Kazik Radwanski’s Anne at 13,000 Ft.

By Annika Morling | 12 Aug 2020

Critics Campus Reviews

The Gay Generation Gap in Suk Suk and Ellie & Abbie (& Ellie’s Dead Aunt)

Critics Campus 2020 participant Merryana Salem examines the handling of intergenerational LGBTQIA+ issues in Suk Suk and Ellie & Abbie (& Ellie’s Dead Aunt).

By Merryana Salem | 12 Aug 2020